
Once a Cougar...Always a Cougar

I have always wanted to BYU-Idaho....and I just KNOW that one day, I will be able to take classes there...
But, I wanted to tell you all, because I was proud of myself, That I recently applied to Fall/Winter 2008 semester and I was accepted. :)yay for me!!! I'm telling you guys...I am MEANT to one day go there...and one day...I will.
Anyways...spare me your criticisms if you have them. I am excited and don't want to hear any pessimism..I have enough of that on my own. I might just take online courses and stay in Utah..but somehow..I am going to hold my position at the best of best schools!
Thank you! Congratulations are welcome! ;)


princess jen said...

BYU is the best. And BYU-I comes in second I suppose.... Anyway, congratulations are most definitely in order for you my dear. You got in and that's not an easy feat. I love you!

Alan J said...

"Best of best schools"? He he, keep thinkin' that. Haven't you seen Dacia lately?

Super Daysh said...

BYU-I is the greatest school. You would be well off to go there...even though only smart people can go (that's why Alan and Jen didn't go...tee hee hee)

Sara and Company said...

Yay!!!...congratulations to you! That is so awesome!