A - Attached or Single: Happy to be very attached to my adorable husband. I'm also very attached to my family.
B - Best Friend: Topher is the absolute best friend I could have ever asked for. Aside from Topher would be my Mommy. She's always been a best friend, but never until just recently have I realized how much I need and want to talk to her all the time about everything...I probably call her twice a day. sorry mom! the DAysh, (sorry if this offends any other siblings...like Alan said, it might seem mean to "choose") but Daysh is one of the only people I can be myself around 100%. I think I've had more fun with her than with anyone else. She's also been close with me through all the hardest times in my life. And I loved loved loved living with her. Those might be my absolute closest friends, but my whole family, especially my sisters, (including Jen, you are my sister!) are my best friends. I love spending time with them and there isn't much I keep from any of them.
C - Cake or Pie: Definitely pie. I love apple pie and I love peach pie. Not only do I love pie, but it's made even better with some vanilla ice cream on the side. :) mmm mmm good.
D - Drink of Choice: Normally it would be Apple Juice. But lately I've been wanting a lot of Orange Tangerine juice. Ooo, and Also, Strawberry Milk. That stuff is tasty.
E - Essential Item: At the moment food. I always have to have something small I can snack on or I get sick. Also chapstick, especially in the winter. My lips get so dry! What else...probably my phone sadly because I hate to be out of touch with people. Oh, and especially at the moment, my book Pride and Prejudice. I can't put it down!
F - Favorite Color: Blue and Yellow have always been my favorites but I'm liking green more and more.
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: Both are alright. I really like gummy worms in those silly Halloween pudding cups that have the oreos and the pudding and worms. Those are super tasty.
H - Hometown: Probably Farmington because that's where I lived the longest.
I – Indulgence(s): Oreos and Milk. Raspberry concretes from Neilsen's. Cheese Fries from Jake's. Long Hot baths with candles and bubbles and a book. That is the best!J - January or July: Definitely January. July is fun because of the holidays and fireworks and barbecues, but it's so so hot! And I hate the heat. Maybe it's those years of driving a car with no a/c. But I love January cuz its right after Christmas and New years and you've just spent time with family and friends. PLus i think the snow is beautiful.
K - Kids: I definitely want kids...after the first three months of pregnancy I no longer want 7 that's for sure. I think maybe between 3 and 5.
L - Life is incomplete without: My family. Books. Fall. The Church. Imagination. Laughter. Little kids. Some Learning. ;)
M - Marriage Date: I still wish to this day that Topher and I could've been married in September or October. I love the colors and the weather. But March was definitely a hard enough wait for us, so an extra 6 months wouldn't have worked so good. So March 8th, 2007
N - Number of Siblings: 4: Big Bro, two Big sisters and a little baby sister! But, I also have 4 half siblings. And then I have all my siblings spouses as well as my in-laws. So, all in all I think i have 20 total.
O - Oranges or Apples: Depends on the actual specimen. Some apples are better than oranges. Some oranges are really good and are better than apples. I know, I'm a freak. Probably oranges though, even though they suck to peel. It takes 20 minutes just to get all the gunk off that I don't want to eat!
P - Phobias/Fears: Getting in a car crash. Losing a family member. Losing my baby. Being a bad mommy or wife. I don't like to be home alone at night. I don't like to be alone in the dark. I hate being outdoors at night. Freaky people.
Q - Favorite Quote: I'm not a wise enough person to have a favorite quote. haha.
R - Reason to smile: Thinking of April 1st. :) Family. Babies. Spring. My Wedding. Yummy Mexican food. Fall Leaves. My Neices and Nephews.
S - Season: Hands down it has to be Fall. All the colors and the beautiful weather. I love the Fall very very best.
T- Tag Three: Mommy, Topher, and Emily, in case she feels left out. :)
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I actually have a really big mouth. So most people know everything that there is to know. And if there's something about me that people don't know, it's probably better left that way. :)
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: I really wish I could say I was vegetarian. I admire the way people can eat no meat. And it really does seem healthier. But if you put a perfectly medium-rare steak in front of me, I cannot say no, especially if A1 sauce is nearby.
W - Worst Habit: Biting my nails. Talking too much. Being Unmotivated. Not helping people around me, not noticing people's needs. I feel very self-centered sometimes.
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: X-rays normally mean you hurt something. so I don't like those. Ultrasounds mean there's a baby!! So definitely ultrasounds.
Y - Your Favorite Foods: Mexican Mexican and more Mexican. Real italian pasta from Italy, wow. Chef's salad that Dacia makes cuz it has everything in it! Fruit Pizza, that stuff is amazing, I think I could eat a whole one by myself if I wasn't interrupted. And, Sun-du-boo, which is this amazing spicy korean soup with tofu and egg and baby shrimps. Yum.
Z- Zodiac: Pisces
Common Core
10 years ago
You are alive and know how to blog. I'm so proud of you!
Who is this pretending to post under Alysia's identity? Is it you Topher? What a traitor, tagging Emily. I tell ya. BTW, are you scared of yourself? hehe
Thanks Bug! Now I get to play, too. At least sombebody loves me...How's Friday for carpet cleaning? I'll let you know for sure. And I totally know what you mean with the apples and oranges.
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