
Well..it's about 5:30 a.m. now...we just got to the same day surgery waiting room and will probably be here until about 11 or 11:30.  Dr. Kouretas spoke with us before taking Grace back into the O.R. and went over with us in a little bit more detail what will happen.  They will remove her heart...pur her on the heart lung bypass machine which will pump blood through her body, and they will then have to reconstruct her aortic arch and pulmonary arteries.  Normally Dr. Kouretas is very confident and tells us that yes there is risk, but that the procedure should be relatively simple.  Today however, he was still confident, but told us repeatedly how huge this procedure is.  It's not just a transplant, it is practically like doing the first original Norwood surgery, and then doing a transplant on top of an already complicated procedure.  He said there were many risks involved, including a risk of her not even making it through the procedure.  

We are nervous and anxious, but also feel as though we are being blessed with a feeling of peace and comfort, having a knowledge that all will go well.   
I can't stop thinking that Grace must have had some idea what was going on.  As anyone knows who has met her, she is a feisty little girl, and sometimes for no reason at all.  Yet, there she was, getting blood drawn, getting urine caths, getting IVs in, not having eaten for 5 1/2 hrs. at a time, not getting more than an hour of sleep at a time, and getting a cold antiseptic bath, and yet she would fuss, and then immediately calm down to give you a serious, skeptical and slightly suspicious look, but always calm and attentive.  She stared every person down that came in her room...analyzing what they were up to.  She has been so so so strong and wonderful.  I only pray that she will be able to recover from this enormous surgery and come out stronger and healthier.  :)
She is definitely our little miracle.  Our sassy, feisty, adorable little miracle.  Thank you so much for your prayers!!
Please keep us in your thoughts over the next few hours!
Love the Andersens


Amy Finnegan {BookshopTalk.com} said...

Dr K and the rest of his team are in our prayers as well! I pray they will have steady hands, clear minds, and the hearts of heroes :)

They love little Grace, too, I can feel it. And I share your faith: Grace is going to live a full life now.

princess jen said...

Good luck!! I love you!!

Rachel's Mommy said...

Sassy is an understatement! Our thoughts and prayers are with you, of course, and everyone in my family is praying for Gracey as well. We love her and you both so much. This is Grace's Olympics and she's going for the gold!!

Thoughtful Runner said...

It would be an understatement to say that we are hanging on every word and post from you - so thanks for doing them, It was, indeed, sobering, to hear everything the Cardiac Team Nurse told us last night about the procedure and the recovery and restrictions - and I suspect we will never fully comprehend the scope of the procedure the Doctor is performing right now - but if we can be at peace it is knowing that Grace is in the Lord's hands and care - and she has the prayers of literally dozens, if not hundreds of people in her behalf this very day. And sincerely believing she is a fighter also helps. And knowing that this is the chance we have all been praying for since early this year.
We love you, Buggy & Topher - and we love you Little Grace.

Sara and Company said...

I can't stop crying! This is such a beautiful miracle and sweet Grace Has fought so amazingly well to get to this point, as have the both of you. This is your second wind and I don't see that fight ending anytime soon! I'm praying for you and love you all so much! I am so glad I was able to be with you this weekend. I love, love, love you.

Melissa said...

Thinking about you all through this hard surgery. She is strong and loved. Good luck!
Melissa Andrew - IHH

carolyn q said...

WOW, this news was so unexpected.
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and keeping all parties concerned (doctor's, you, and Grace) in my prayers and thoughts as Grace undergoes such a lifesaving proceedure.
Heart Hugs,
Carolyn Quigley
President, IHH

Kaidence's Mommy said...

Welcome to your new begining. We are so happy for you and truly understand the mixed emotions that you are having. PLease call me if you have ANY questions or need ANYTHING at all. You know I will be there as fast as I can be. FYI: Our life with Kaidence after her heart transplant I can honestly say is pretty close to normal. Sure, we have had some bumps in the road but nothing like I thought it would be, especaily after the "transplant talk". You and all the team caring for your sweetheart will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Happy Heart Birthday Baby Girl!
With Hope, Faith and Love,
Shauntelle and Kaidence

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with your family and Baby Grace during this delicate and precious time. I, too, have a daughter, Kimberly, who was born with a congenital heart defect and she had her first open-heart surgery at the tender age of 3 months. We didn't think she would make it and she was given her last prayer before surgery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 1981. She has since had 3 additional open-heart surgeries, at the ages of 5, 10, and 15, and she is now happily married and 27 years old. She is our miracle baby, and miracles and prayers do happen. Please keep us updated. Angels are with Baby Grace, and I am praying that she is strong and has a healthy recovery. Please know that the Lord has plans for your baby girl, and whatever they may be, trust that His decision is perfect. I am praying for your baby Grace. She is beautiful.


Christina said...

Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Christina from IHH
Jacob's momma

Mythreesons said...

Hi Bugs and Topher! I'm so glad I could be there last night with you guys and hear what Marian had to say. What an angel she is. Last night, I said a prayer everytime Caden woke me up;) We're still praying and anxiously awaiting updates. We love you guys!

J and D said...

We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers! Know that the Lord takes special care of these little ones and that you are in the midst of sweet Angels attending!

kalani said...

We are praying every second for you and the team of doctors and definitely for our spunky little Grace to be as strong as she has been through everything. Dalek and Kiani said the best prayers for her that I have ever heard them pray. We love you guys.

Nancy Shaw said...

We are anxiously awaiting the news on Grace's surgery. She has been in my prayers each day. I love looking at her photos. She is beautiful. Her smile is precious!She is such a strong spirit and such a fighter. She will continue to be in my prayers. Your faith inspires me and I know you are in God's care. Love - Aunt Nancy (from Boise)

Anonymous said...

i clicked a number of links, praying for babies, which led me to your blog. i hope you don't mind if i read along with your family so i can continue to pray for your daughter!
thoughts and prayers,
b :)