Sorry for the long delay between posts. I suppose not much has happened. Or, the fun things that did happen, we didn't get pictures of to report on!
I have just some random pictures of Grace thrown in here. The ones with the big pink bow I had to put in to show everyone what Angel Annabelle and her Mommy sent to Grace. For those of you who were familiar with baby Annabelle, she always wore these big pink bows and always looked adorable!! Well, her Mommy has started a really neat project putting together Annabelle baskets, and she sent us this cute bow, some socks and a heart burp cloth. I loved the bow. It only took me a minute to get used to and then I didn't want to take it off!!

Grace still really likes cuddling with her Daddy. She is definitely Daddy's girl to the extremes.
Topher and I haven't been up to much. His summer semester of school is over, so he is enjoying his month of no school. I am still training for my Sprint Triathlon, less than a month to go.
Grace is doing great. Although her Cardiologist did say she most likely only has 4-6 weeks before they will have to do some sort of open heart surgery to stabilize her heart condition, she is doing well. Her saturation levels are staying much higher than her Doctors expected and she looks great. She is working hard to sit up. She hates being layed down. She also has started grabbing things. Toys, blankets, and everything she grabs goes straight in her mouth. Often times it's daddy's thumb which ends up in her mouth, and comes out soaked in drool.
She also has started talking, or cooing, One of these days we'll have to borrow someone's video camera so we get get a clip of it to show you all. It really is so sweet.
On another note, our families are wonderful. Curtis' Birthday was two days ago, we love him SO SO SO much. He is such a wonderful father and father-in-law. We are so grateful for him and all he does for us.
Anyway...just wanted to update and let everyone know that all is well here and we're grateful for our family and friends that make life so much more manageable and enjoyable!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Pray hard that she'll get a heart in the next month/month and a half!! She needs it soon or else there will be some drastic changes, although change is good too if it's in accordance with His will.
Thanks all! We love you lots!

She is so absolutely cute!!!! I love it!
I'm glad things are looking as good as they are. Miss you guys!
Yay!! You posted an update!! I've been thinking about Grace so much the past few days that I've been checking your blog every few hours - just like the good old hospital days :)
I'm glad you had a relaxing weekend away, Alysia, and what a good hubby you are, Toph, for not only suggesting it, but taking care of Grace so she could go without worry.
You know, I've been thinking a lot about what you've earlier said concerning praying for a heart for Grace - that it's a hard thing to pray for considering the tragedy that takes place for another family to make that possible . . .
So I had this thought today: tragedy will happen, it is part of mortality. Whether or not you pray for Grace to have a heart, another child - with a heart just right for Grace - will soon pass from this world. So personally, I've decided to alter my prayers a bit, to ask God to give that particular child's parents the peace of mind and sense of selflessness it takes to consider organ donation. And I'm also praying that they will have the courage to offer the gift of life to another child. Even in the midst of their world falling apart.
I love little Grace. I know she is already a miracle, and that Heavenly Father can continue to sustain her :)
I love you two as well! Thanks for being such good examples of faith for me.
I'm so glad to hear that things are going so well! And I'm positively giddy about lunch on Friday. :) You're awesome!
Thanks for the update--what a cute bow! We miss you and will see you soon.
I've been meaning to call you to chat and catch up. I'm glad you got to go to Idaho and see your mom. I miss you!! And I love you!!
Grace is so precious with her BOW!!! I LOVE IT! She is therapy for my soul...thank you for posting those pictures!
Heart hugs~ Rebecca
FInally! Some pictures! I've been waiting FOREVER. You know, some of us don't get to see her very much... I'm glad that she's doing well. She looks so sweet. I'm so excited to see her in a couple weeks!
Those are such cute pics of little Gracelyn! Love the GIANT bow on her head- it's actually really cute! Thanks for the update...finally! We need you to come and visit us again- we are going through Grace withdrawals!
sShe looks so cute with the bow. Thanks for the update. I'll be keeping your family in my prayers.
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