
No Ventilator!!

She is tubeless....or at least she has no large plastic tube going down her throat...she does still swim in a small tangle of IV lines however.  But those don't seem quite so bad; except when she tries to use either of her hands which are securely wrapped to small padded boards to support her IVs.  She tries so hard to get some use out of those stiff little wrists, usually ending in a good bump in the face.  They just don't seem to work quite like they used to.  

She is more awake now than she has been, this is good, and bad, she reminds us of just how feisty she is.  She is also attempting the use of her tube worn vocal chords, sometimes only a hoarse whine, others, a bit more successful, just hinting at what vocal power is soon to return. ;-)
She did seem to get a bit uncomfortable this evening, so she got to try a little of her favorite morphine drip...always seems to do the trick.  However, it seems that they won't let us take any home....hmmmm....if only. :-)
We really are happy to see her awake and making noise again.  It was never the same to have a baby that just lies there completely silent all day.  She is soooooooooooo CUTE!    (small possible bias here...)   and we love her.  Thank you everyone for continuing to read our rables and support us soo much.  We love you all.  
as a quick p.s. we intended to post pictures at this juncture in the program, but were unable to find the card reader, so those will be coming at a later time, stay tuned! :-) haha


Mythreesons said...

I'm protesting the lack of pictures! Card reader, schmard reader... I'm so glad she was extubated. I can only imagine how much better that feels. Enjoy the screaming and no more complaining about her crying! Sounds like things are continuing to progress and that makes me very happy. How was Topher's first day back at school? We love you guys!

Allie said...

wow I dont need to wait till tomorrow you posted again tonight.That is great news. I too want new pictures to see her whole face and maybe even a smile.Allison

Sara and Company said...

Oh happy day! So glad things are progressing. Yucky yucky tube! Glad she can more fully express her frustrations to you! hee hee.

Amy Finnegan {BookshopTalk.com} said...

Wonderful!! Good job Gracey, breathing all on your own again. I can only imagine her own relief now that that yucky tube is out. It makes me shiver just to think about.

She is so, so brave and strong :)

Like everyone else, I am also eager for new pics. But I be you're even more eager for a bit of sleep tonight, so dream away . . . dream of all the fun you will soon have with your sweet little babe.

likeschocolate said...

Yahoo! I am glad she is doing so well. Going home seems to be in your future soon.

The Simmons Family said...

YEAH for exubation!! I'm so happy to hear that she's fiesty... it means she's already feeling better. Hopefully she'll be scowling at you again no time flat.


princess jen said...

Happy first day of school Topher!! I'm glad that Gracy-lou is doing so much better and that her tubal accessories are dwindling--they were so last season! I love you lots!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe her great hand work with those paddles is preparing her to be an incredible tennis star. From what I see in professional matches, being feisty is a plus.
Encourage he, maybe she will become so very rich, she will take care of her parents!

Love and chocolate kisses,
Grandma Atkinson

kristen said...

we are so thrilled that she is doing exceptionally well. We never doubted that she would. She's a tough girl. She is so amazing and cute! we love you guys!

Susie Maxwell said...

Yay Gracey! So great to hear that she's doing so well! I read your blog & check up on Gracey often so I thought it was about time to say hi! Gracey is a strong little girl, and so adorable. We're praying for you all and hoping you're out of there soon!

-Susie & baby Teagan (hlhs)

Bev said...

Ok I don't htink there is a word cool enough to descrobe the past week for you guys. I would have posteed sooner but my coputer died :( owell!!!
We still pray for you and love watchine Grace grow thanks so much for sharing your joy with us.

Marty and Kim Bergsjo said...

You don't know me but I blog jumped and read your amazing story in the last 2 hours. Your baby is adorable and you are the cutest parents ever. I wish you luck in your journey and thanks for the blog. It has touched more hearts than you could ever have imagined

Anonymous said...

I am a co-worker of Gracey's paternal grandparents, and, in fact, happily report to her grandfather. Soon to be retired from the greatest company in the world, (YAY!) I have followed Gracey's life almost from the beginnning until today. I think she is a wonderful miracle

I don't know wnat moves me to say these things, but I think that Gracey is incredibly lucky to have been born into an LDS family. In America today we have by and large lost the benefits of a family all living near by, but the fact that Gracey's family is LDS means that not only is her extended family available to support her and her parents, but so is the whole weight of the Church ready, willing and able to help in times of need. I believe it takes a Villiage to raise a child, and Gracey has a very comforting family of HUNDREDS of people ready to help out.

Gracey is a miracle and a blessing to all who know her and her family.

Bill King.