
Breathe Easy

No worries...Grace is doing ok here at home with us. Her Echo came back fine, everything looks the same and normal for her. She did however test positive for AdenoVirus. They said this would completely explain her fussiness, as well as her fever. They didn't prescribe any antibiotics, but did say we could give her Tylenol to help break her fevers and relieve any minor discomfort. So, for now we are at home, stuck with a grumpy, but very cute little Grace, just hoping that the time will go by quickly and she'll be back to her usual adorable self soon.
Thank you again for all your prayers, concern and support. Sorry if we scared anyone into thinking it was a serious problem we were facing!! We were unsure of the outcome too!! Thanks again for all your prayers and support. I'm sure they are helping Grace feel more comfortable and helping her recover from her virus.
Love you all!
oh and btw...please keep the heart babies in your prayers. Baby Teagan had his Glenn surgery yesterday, and is in recovery. And baby Alex has been moved to the Floor for recovery from his heart Transplant. They could use all the prayers they can get!!
Thanks again
the Andersens


Alan J said...

Glad to hear all is well!! But, uh, what's the deal with pictureless posts, eh? Geesh!

Amy Finnegan {BookshopTalk.com} said...

Oh, good . . . be strong, little Grace! You have an army of fans cheering you on!!

We will definitely keep praying for her, you, and all the other heart babies :)

Kaidence's Mommy said...

Wow! Kaidence was at PCMC with Adenovirus the very last week of june and it made her pretty darn sick. The cardiologist that was on that week said that he wasn't even familiar with it. Sorry she is sick. Hope all gets better.

The Simmons Family said...

It's so great to hear that she's doing better and they found out it's just a virus. Hopefully she'll be feeling back to her sweet happy self soon. No one likes to have a grumpy baby that doesn't feel well! :(


Rachel's Mommy said...

I'm with Alan--a post without pictures is like an Oreo without the center--get on the stick!


kalani said...

Oh yaaa, I am so glad that she is doing okay. Sorry she caught a virus that is no fun for her or you. I am with Amy, we will keep praying for everyone.

Thoughtful Runner said...

Very grateful and relieved to hear that there is nothing serious with Grace. Here's hoping she gets over the virus soon and starts smiling again.
See you soon....and little Grace, too!

Mythreesons said...

I'm so glad everything was alright. It's not as easy a fix for a grumpy baby, but very reassuring, nonetheless. Have a good weekend and take lots of pictures of Gracey... grumpy or not!

Alyssa said...

i'm glad that everything turned out ok! gracie is beautiful!

Alyssa said...
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