hello. sorry its been so long inbetween posts and that this one is coming at 3:30 in the morning, but Topher and I are sort of on a wacky sleep schedule at the moment!! We've been sleeping since about 7:00pm yesterday and now are kind of more awake!!
We would like to ask everyone to please please please pray like crazy for little Grace.
Although she is a little figter and doing amazingly well...there are some complications in her path already.
After her echocardiogram yesterday, (an in depth ultrasound that looks at her heart) they verified that she does indeed have Hypoplastic Left heart, but also that her Tricuspid Valve on the right side of her heart is also very small and underdeveloped. This is a complication that they hadn't expected and it may be something that they cannot fix.
They are supposed to be having a meeting with all the cardiac surgeons this morning sometime about whether or not they can fix it.
Sadly, if it cannot be fixed, she is no longer a candidate for the surgeries. And the consequences of that are something Topher and I don't want to think about right now.
We have faith that everything is going as it should and that little Gracey will be fine. But please please, your prayers have helped her so much already, please continue them coming in her direction as much as possible for the next few hours.
We love you all so much and appreciate the love and support.
Dear, dear Toph and Buggy :)
We are fasting for baby Gracey today. We are praying that all involved with evaluating her condition will be inspired with all the right thoughts and will have all the courage they need to make the right decisions.
We love you all so much. The Lord loves you, and I know he will be with you today.
Amy, Shawn, Aubrey, Kailey and Ella :)
What time is the meeting this morning?? Do you want me to bring you any breakfast/treats/etc??
just want you guys to know that Grace is in our prayers, although you don't know me - I am a friend of Emily's in Colorado Springs and have been following your blog and have you in my thoughts and prayers... Godspeed! Leslie Gray
Good morning, we love you and pray for you. Please call me asap when you have news, and do answer your phone on occasion, or I'll just have to pop in on you. Hope you got some rest last night.
hugs and kisses, Mum
Praying like crazy over here for all 3 of you. I can't think about it too much or I get all emotional at work...not so fun. Joey and I love you all so much and are praying that Heavenly Father with watch over you all and give you strength beyond your own. We love you Bug!! We will pray our hearts out. :)
Hello Buggy and Topher. Your baby girl is the cutest, sweetest little thing! Congratulations. We are praying for all of you. Hang in there and know that Heavenly Father loves you all, and so do we!
Our thoughts and prayers are always with you.
All our love,
The Atkinson's- California
Tyler, Kristen, Halle and Vinny
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