Isn't waiting the hardest part? At least it's gone relatively quickly up to this point! I just got back from taking the kids to school. Anya has been jumping up and down with excitement!
Go buggy!! I will come up in a little bit to visit with you!! Love you and am praying for you lots and lots. Be safe, be happy and know it's almost over and you will get to see your sweet little one. Love you!
Topher and I met in the summer of 2006, fell madly in love and were married on March 8, 2007. We started this blog to keep our family up to date on our "happenings". I became pregnant in late June, and in November of 2007 we discovered we were having a little baby girl.
I'm hitting the refresh button every five minutes!!
We're praying so hard for all of you!
Love you guys!
Isn't waiting the hardest part? At least it's gone relatively quickly up to this point! I just got back from taking the kids to school. Anya has been jumping up and down with excitement!
Go buggy!! I will come up in a little bit to visit with you!! Love you and am praying for you lots and lots. Be safe, be happy and know it's almost over and you will get to see your sweet little one. Love you!
I hope you are doing wonderfuly leash!!!!
I'm sitting here waiting and praying for you!! I love ya darlin. You are amazing.
Everyone keep praying!!!
Allie just sent a text to Venice. She heard back that Grace was born at 9:45 (ten minutes ago). She was taken right to ICU.
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