
Day 1

Here are a few more pictures. As an update for what has happened so far: The baby was born at 9:45 am, and she went right into the newborn intensive care unit. We didn't get to see her much more than a glance. She was in there for a couple of hours as they placed all of the I.V.s and monitering equipment and stabilized her condition. She is pretty strong, did well and we were able to go and see her before they moved her to primary childrens. Some of the pictures I posted were at that point. Alysia got to hold the baby for a few minutes, she is so beautiful...both of them!! We gave the baby a blessing and then they stabalized her once again for her "flight" with the life flight technicians across the bridge to primary childrens. I included a few pictures of her in her bubble as she went on her first little trip to her new home for the next few weeks. They then placed her in the pediatric intensive care unit. then they have been doing an echo cardiogram so that they could start to prepare for surgery later in the week..... By the way, i'm sorry if this is a little jumbled, we havn't really had much sleep in the last 2 days. :-) thanks everyone!!!


Allie said...

looks like she might be a red head. she looks like an angel. hang in there and you should try and get some sleep when you can. I am so glad to hear she is doing well. love you all. Allie

Christi Ann said...

They are both so beautiful!!
Thank you so much, topher for the updates!! I dont think I could've gotten through the day without knowing your girls were alright. You are awesome!!
Give leash a big hug and kiss on the cheek for me, and help her get some rest. YOU TOO!! You guys BOTH did an amazing job.
My constant thoughts and prayers are with you guys!! :D

P.S. thanks for putting up with all my comments.