

Well, we've been home for almost a full 48 hours and there are already some worries!! Although its been wonderful to have her home and she has been an ANGEL, we're probably going to have to take her to the hospital for a visit today. Yesterday she had a little bit of pink mucous in her diapers, and although it didn't look like blood...its been in 3 more of her diapers now and we're not sure what to do. She did have NEC, which was a really serious infection of her gut, and if she were to get it again we would definitely need to admit her back into the hospital, but the pink mucous in her diaper is the only sign we're seeing. She is still eating normally (normal for her anyway), and she doesn't have a fever or swollen belly or any of the other symptoms. So, we're of course concerned just because we don't know what it is, but hopefully there will be a perfectly normal reason behind it and she'll be able to stay at home with us.
She's doing so well and is so happy and content. It would be heartbreaking for all of us if she had to go back into the hospital and on antibiotics/off feeds.
Topher and his Dad gave her a blessing yesterday and it was really really neat. Topher blessed her with health and strength and that she would make it to a transplant. Hearing it from the mouth of my husband whose Priesthood I have absolute faith in, was definitely very comforting.
I have faith everything will fall into place as it should, and that she will get this transplant if it is God's will.
But it sure would be nice if she didn't keep us on our toes so much!!
Anyway, our appointment with the Pediatrician to check her out is today at 3:30. We'll post again after that with hopefully some reassuring news!
Love you all!
Thank you for your prayers and faith for little Grace.
Love Topher, Alysia and Grace


Sara and Company said...

Little Grace....tell your adorable little body to cooperate. Hopefully all is well. Take care today.

Amy Finnegan {BookshopTalk.com} said...

Oh goodness . . . sweet Grace, you darling thing. I feel so sick inside whenever she has a scare like this. Whatever it is, I am praying, PRAYING, it is easily taken care of.

Hopefully, it is just something typical that some baby girls get . . . 2 of my 3 girls had a little bit of pink mucus in their diapers, but they were only a few weeks old at the time.

Thanks for sharing Grace's blessing with us. The priesthood is an amazing gift from God, and my faith is doubled whenever my husband gives my children blessings.

WE'LL PRAY PRAY PRAY . . . as always for a tiny cousin. We adore Grace to bits around here :)

princess jen said...

I hope the appointment went well...

Andrew and Marti Enke said...

You three are so amazing to me! I tell my Dad pretty much every day how inspired I am by all you are and do. Hope you're having a good time with baby grace. I can't wait to see her again...and maybe hold her this time!

All my Love,