I got here about two hours ago and at about 11:00 the Nurse said I could feed her a bottle!! Hallejuah!!
Funny thing:
She was sleeping when I sat down to feed her, but as soon as I popped the bottle in her mouth and she got a few drops, her eyes popped WIDE open and she sucked the bottle down in about 10 seconds!! Given it was only about 6cc, but she gulped it down so fast!!
It was really cute. As soon as it was gone she passed out and has been sleeping ever since. The nurses were very impressed that she didn't gag or anything but that she just gulped it down, no fuss no problems.
I am so grateful it went so well!! There are many more feeds to go, so pray that they go as well as the first.
Here's some pics of our girl on her 1 month birthday with her first bottle ever!!
Oh, and by the way, Jennifer and Alan came to visit and Jennifer got to hold the baby! (Alan did, too, but he had already gotten to before).
Common Core
10 years ago
Yay!! She gets to eat now!! Go Gracey! That is so exciting! I'm so glad you got to feed her and that she seemed to take it so well! We'll keep praying for her!
Hooray! I'm so excited for a bottle! And I'm excited that you finally got to feed her. That is such great news. We'll keep praying and even harder now. keep up the good work, Gracey!
She is so beautiful! I am so glad that she is eating well! And from a bottle! That is great news!
That is so exciting! Yummy food on the tummy! She is a sweetheart and you guys are so amazing!
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