
My Car Resurrected!!

Topher and I finally came to the point about 2 weeks ago where we realized that although we had been surviving with one vehicle....other things were suffering. Such as Topher's school schedule....him being able to come into work with me....meet me at appointments etc...

So...we decided it was time to resurrect my vehicle...if it even was going to be possible.
For starters, we had to call USAA (yay for free roadside assistance!!) and have them come tow the car since it wouldn't start. It took Topher about 15 minutes to dig the car out for starters, and then once it was dug out, we couldn't get it into neutral since it had been out of commission for so long. The tow guy actually had to dis-engage a couple parts of the car just to get it into neutral, but then we got her on the tow truck and taken to Burt Brothers.
They took the car for a day and a half, got it running, fixed and registered for me and it ended costing under $500!!

Something funny about all of this was that initially, 6 months ago, the reason we stopped driving the car was because it was over-heating...or so the gauge said. Well...as it turns out, the gauge is broken, the car really was never over-heating. BUT, because Topher and I had stopped driving it...the battery eventually just failed...causing us to have to buy a new battery...also...Topher at one point tried to put water in the coolant tank to get it to start, and this water that sat in there over the winter, froze and messed up our cooling system...we had to pay to get that fixed as well...
So...in the end...nothing had been wrong with the car at all....and Topher and I pretty much caused all the problems that costed us $500!!
Oh well. Lesson learned I suppose.
But after the car was all fixed up, we took my car and Topher's car to a really nice car wash and detail and got them nice and clean!! Topher also got me really cute new seat covers and steering wheel cover so that I would feel comfy in my car again!!


Super Daysh said...

Cute seat covers! Yay for new things! I'm glad your car is running again and Topher will actually be able to make it to school on time. Cute pregnant belly too!

Shannon said...

I just wanted to tell you that you look so cute with you little baby belly.

Mythreesons said...

Why am I not surprised that nothing was really wrong with your car... and that it was you and Topher that ruined it... sigh. And your little belly is adorable! You're still not really big, lucky you!

princess jen said...

What a nice looking car you have. Maybe we should have offered to buy it off you after all!! And I like your seat covers. They're super cute!!

Sara and Company said...

Aaaaahhh....such is life. I'm so glad that you got it all running again. And silly E!.....I distinctly remember a car going out of commission in your lifetime! Hee hee! How I miss that Audi!

You look totally cute pregnant. I love being pregnant and miss it so much....especially when I start thinking that Jason is really quite serious about his daily remarks about not having any more children. I tell you what......

Love ya cutie. Oh, and I think I will be about to come up to your shower on Friday. Maybe we can meet then before or after? Let me know. Take care!

Alan J said...

Oi! These anecdotes don't help the general perception of your guys' blondeness. Oh, and who's made of money? Mutliple car repairs, details, shopping on Saturday... I've never even detailed one of our cars. i need a new job at Sweets!

Sara and Company said...

Hey Sweet Girl! Just wanted to wish you a truly Happy Birthday yesterday!!! I was thinking of you even though I didn't get a a chance to get on the internet. Hope you got to do something fun!

Thoughtful Runner said...

So...there was really nothing wrong with your belly the whole time?!? But your little car sure is cute! Perhaps we would be better off returning to horses! Or at least bicycles!