We re-loaded the video so now anyone can view it!!
These are kind of out of order and are a little old now.but oh well! they are fromThanksgiving day. Bath time, eating mash potatoes, playing piano with her Uncle Joe, showing off her new teeth (two, on the botom!!), etc...
i dont know if that is enough explanation or not, but, its late, im so frustrated with this new computer stuff and such, that i'm just gonna post them and be done... :)
i still haven't figured out the videos. when i do, they'll be up. :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Biopsy Results
Sorry for not having updated during the day...Topher was at school from 8 until 2:30, with his laptop...leaving me unable to blog.
NOT part of the Plan!!!
Well...I know we haven't posted in...way too long...and so people aren't too up to date on Grace and her happenings.
The Cookie Monster
Fear not everyone. Our daughter will NOT starve to death. No, not at all, becaue how can anyone starve, when their new favorite food is packed with calories.
Last Monday!!!
She's always pulling on my earrings and necklaces, and trying to stick them in her mouth, so I decided to let her wear them the other day, and I got some cute pictures. :)My sweet visiting teacher made this ADORABLE hat for Grace and I absolutely LOVE it. She is amazingly talented, and you should check out her blog. :) hatsbyash.blogspot.com Thanks Ashly! You're the best!
Thank you again everyone for your prayers in our behalf. I know they make such a difference in not only Grace's overall development, but also in my patience with her, my ability to take care of her, her moods and so many other things! Please keep them coming, and pray extra hard that the silly girl will want to eat her food! We love you all and are so grateful for your support, love and prayers! Have a wonderful week!
Love the Andersens
How Time Flies...
It is so crazy to me that just 7 months ago we had this... 2 Months ago this...

We love you all so much and are again, so grateful for all you do.
Update on Gracey
Grace has been doing all right lately. She has had a little bit of a sore throat and cold the past few days, which has been making her more irritable, more sleepy, more cuddly and even less willing to eat. So, it has its pros and cons. Other than that, not much interesting has been happening as of late.I did go out of town last weekend. My sister and I traveled up to Idaho Falls to visit with my Mom. It was wonderful to get a break from Mothering, and to just have fun. However, I was not without numerous worries about Topher and Grace. He forgot to do her meds a couple of times, and I returned home with Grace on a very new sleeping schedule...its called one nap...an hour before bedtime, and then bedtime whenever she happens to pass out on your lap, (normally around 10:30). Thank you so much Topher!

Gratitude and Testimony
The other night, Topher and I were reading a story to Grace before bedtime. Grace is always very attentive and alert for stories at night...she looks with big big eyes at all the pictures, touches all the pages, and even turns them occasionally when you ask her to...
Six Months Old!

Another Heart Miracle!
Sweet little Daxton Cook is in surgery as I type this, receiving his precious gift of a new heart!! His parents were called around 2:30 this morning, and went through the great, long wait from 3a.m. to 2:00, when they finally wheeled him back into O.R.
Please pray so hard for this sweet little boy and his wonderful family that the procedure will go well and he will come out healthy and strong.
And please, pleae pray for the sweet family that has given him this gift. It is so strange that a loss for one family, can be such a tremendous gain for another. Truly a bittersweet miracle.
Please pray!
Thank you!
I have a link to his page down in my heart links- Its the DaxtonCookPage. But you do have to have a carepage name to check it out..
Just Getting Adjusted
Sorry for the delay! I realize that we've been home since Friday, and I have been a big slacker...but...surprisingly, I have been slightly side tracked. ;) Grace has been an angel. Her meds are definitely overwhelming, however, I think I'm getting the hang of it. I organized everything as best as I could...Here are all of Grace's medications.
Picture Mania!!
We are finally posting some pictures for everyone to see of our sweet Gracey!! She has done so well these past few weeks. We couldn't have asked for a better recovery for her. She has progressed so well and so quickly. She certainly is feisty, and down right determined to be healthy and strong and to meet everyone's goals and hopes for her.
The past couple of days, she has really started remembering so much: sucking, eating, smiling, playing, cuddling, sleeping...She just has done so well. We've loved seeing her personality finally come back and her big smiles.She isn't quite as attached to eating as she used to be, but, we're not going to complain. Just her remembering how to eat is wonderful, and she is progressing a little more each day.
Right now, she is up to about 80cc every 3 hours, and she normally finishes between 40-60 by herself, and the rest goes down her tube. The goal is to get her to 90cc, and eventually for her not to have a tube.
However, with the Med Schedule she will be one when we come home, I think I will just be grateful she has an alternative way to receive her meds, rather than by mouth. Over 13 different medications!! And they are NOT tasty.
Her and Grandma were having a lot of fun the other day. But...I would have you know, that ALL of these pictures were taking by moi...which means, that she was smiling at MOI. If you've seen Grace when she's smiling, its normally at Topher...what a stinker...but all these pictures were smiles for Mama!!! Yay for me!!
The little stinker pulled her NG tube out 2x in one day. Yeah...I don't think those nurses liked us very much. But I made sure to snap a quickie!! No smiles though...I think she was still really mad that pulling the tube out involved gagging.
Look at those big beautiful eyes!! She is once again alert as ever and very skeptical and suspicious of everyone around her. She has actually developed an automatic reaction to people in yellow coats. As soon as someone with a yellow coat walks in the room she panics and starts to scream.
Yes, I realize a lot of these pictures are very similar. But you really can just never get too much of a good thing. right?
Yes, I realize these 3 are all practically the same shot. But, I gave Topher the job of picking the pictures and posting them...and he of course couldn't choose just a few. He wanted them all!
I just love her huge smiles!!!
Mom actually looked at these and said "oh, is she still swollen?". Um...no, she's just chunky!! Our adorable chunky little chipmunk!! Darn those Andersen genes that gave her such chubby cheeks!!! ;)
Gracey serious hospital model face. She is so beautiful. More and more everyday I just think she has such a beautiful and sweet little face.
These, if you look closely, no one is holding her up!! She actually sat up by herself twice yesterday!! Talk about a tough girl!!
I believe these are some of Topher's favorites where she is just looking up at the camera. Mom thinks she's going to associate a camera with my face, since it always seems to be attached. ;)
So excited!! I think I might fall over!!
She actually fell asleep like this!! Like, "ugh...blast these lights and hospital noises...woe is me...let me sleep already!!!" What a cutie. :)
This is my favorite picture of her. I don't know why...but I love her face...her little mouth, and those big big eyes. I could just squeeze her so tight!!
More smiles. But you just can't get enough Gracey smiles.
So that's our Grace. She's doing awesome. Her projected arrival to her beautiful, steam cleaned, scrubbed and beautified house, (thank you Aunt Alli, Aunt Amy, Karen, Venice and Mama!) is Thursday!!! Wahoo!!! We're breakin' out of this joint!!! ;) The projected day to come home was actually tomorrow...but her Cardiologists are uber cautious...kinda annoying because the only thing they want to work on is increasing her feeds from 80 to 90...which is TOTALLY something I can do at home. But, oh well. What can you do other than accept the things you can't change and be grateful for what you can right? Anyway...we're so excited to have her home. My mom came down from Idaho to help me and that has been a life saver in many ways...namely for me and my peace of mind. :) We're just hoping, praying and crossing our fingers that Thursday truly is the day, and that we are prepared in every sense for the next 6 months ahead of us. They promise to be challenging, but we can't wait to have our angel home. Thank you all for you love and prayers. We appreciate them SOOOOO much!
Please pray for Megan tonight!!! She is getting her new heart this evening!!! I am soooo thrilled for her and feel so grateful that prayers truly are answered. My heart goes out to the family who has lost a loved one also. I think that these experiences/situations truly are always so bittersweet, but it is indeed a miracle for Megan and she will be so healthy and well now!! Pray that her surgeons have steady hands and that she can be comforted in her time of need!!
Love you all!!!
The Andersens