So, I had to write these down before I forget them because they seriously cracked me up.
The other day Grace was playing in her kitchen and acting very theatrical. She was making dinner for her husband and herself and making such classic faces, it was too cute. But when Topher got home from work, she was telling him about her husband and how she was making him dinner and then she stopped and told us, (with a big smile on her face) "I have some bad news. Something really sad happened". So I responded, "Then why are you smiling?" "Mom! Mom. Seriously. It's really sad. (still with a big smile on her face) My husband...DIED." "Grace, that's really sad, why are you smiling???" "Well. Mom, I'm just excited to get a new one."
Um. SERIOUSLY?!!! Topher and I laughed so loud and hard, and then we both stopped and stared at eachother, like, "did she really just SAY that?!!" Topher says that whoever she marries is going to need some fair warning.
The next day Grace and I were sitting on the patio and she was telling me that she thought I was pretty. She climbed up on my lap, brushed my hair from my face and told me how pretty my hair was. Then she said "'member when you went to the ball?? and you had really pretty hair? and pretty things in your hair?? Mom you were so pretty. Did everyone tell you you were just so pretty?? Did all the boys want to dance with you?" HA!!! Cracked me up. I told her I only danced with Daddy and she was a bit disappointed. Lol. But I thought that was so sweet. She has been telling me frequently lately that she things I'm pretty, which is nice to hear when I feel like a whale. :)
Anyway, this little girl just cracks me up and I feel like she does pretty hysterical things on a routine basis, but I forget them because I don't write them down. So, maybe I could try to be a little better about recording those moments that make me laugh so hard with her.
Also, random side note, that was also really funny...Topher seems to really like the name Max for our little guy, but doesn't really like any of the add-ons we know are commonly used. Example: Maxwell or Maximilien or Maximus. So, last night we stayed up way too late trying to make up our own add-ons. It was really, really, REALLY entertaining.
Here are some of the highlights: heheh
iMax (this is my personal favotite...but it might be bcuz it was really late and I loved the thought of how he would introduce himself. I laughed for a long time)
Anyway. We laughed so much over our list.
Then Topher thought about how in his family, his parents named his little sister AnnaLina, and how that is a combination of both of his Grandma's names. So he said, maybe we could try to do something combining your and my Dad's names. Ok, I said. So, we have Carl and Curtis. So he can be Cartis. Or Curl. Hehhehhehheh. Then Topher tried to incorporate Max and we got Curmax...but he thought we'd might as well include Kermit since Topher loves the maybe Kermax would be good. Then he tried to incorporate his Dad's family name which is to combine Carl, Curtis and Muir We settled on Curliur.
So, our little guy's name, had he been born last night, might have been Curliur Maxtopher Andersen. Don't you think he'd be a lucky little guy???!
Ok. Maybe not.
The only add-ons that really worked that we kinda liked were Maxden (Maxton), Maxon, and maybe Maxler.
You have any thoughts? Suggestions? :) We might not name him Max anymore simply because we can't think of a way to lengthen it that we both really like. So, suggestions are welcome. :) Even if they're just to make us laugh.
Common Core
10 years ago