Again I feel very blessed and like heavenly Father is always looking out for me. Last night I came down with a fever, and then I had it even worse this morning. I had to take Grace in for her weekly Echo and it took everything I had at the time, (and Topher) to get me out of bed, into the car and at the appt. I then had to go home, without Topher, and was going to be home with Grace for another 5 hours by myself. I cried on the way home from the Hospital because I didn't know how I was going to manage to take care of Grace when I couldn't even lift her without getting light headed. Lo and behold, Heavenly Father was watching my every move, and as soon as we got home at 11:30, Grace went to sleep and did not wake up again until 3:00. At which time she proceeded to give me smile after smile after smile. I didn't have to hold her and risk getting her sick, the entire time we were home, and by the time I had to pick Topher up from school with her, my fever had broken.
This may seem silly, but I felt very blessed to have everything work out for the best under the given circumstances!!
On a different note, at her appt. today it was determined that her Saturation Levels are steadily declining and a Cath Lab to balloon open her Atrial Septum was going to be needed.
So, they've scheduled us for Thursday, and hopefully if all goes well she won't even have to stay the night in the hospital.
Even though the Cath Lab is not an actual surgery, and it is much lower risk than her previous surgery, it is still something that comes with its own risks. Please pray that she'll do well through the procedure and that it will result in her being healthier and more comfortable.
Love you all and hope you're all doing well!
love the Andersens
Common Core
10 years ago
I'm glad that you're feeling better and that everything worked out so you both could get some rest. Good luck with the cath lab!!
I hope you continue to feel better, Alysia! And we will definitely keep praying for Grace - how sweet that she somehow sensed that her mommy needed a bit of a break, and encouragement with lots of smiles!!
Sometimes those little miracles are the ones we need the are so good to recognize that you were truly being blessed. Love ya cutie!
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