Yesterday I finally gave up trying to find the cable for my camera. I ran to the store in my pjs with grace bundled up with me and got a card reader.
So, I had over 650 pictures to upload onto the computer and all of them were from the last 2 weeks of July to now! That's a lot of pictures. And all those pictures have a story behind them.
Since I knew it would take me months to tell all the stories of the rest of the summer, I decided to this instead. A quickie glance of our happenings. Perhaps later, I will be able to go more into detail on some of the events. Like Grace's Heart Birthday and how special it was to be with Topher's family. Or about our surfing adventures, and my actually being able to get up! Or maybe the very fun weekend at my mom's house where Grace discovered her wigs. There's also the amazing Girl's Weekend my sisters and I were able to pull off. Lots of beading, movies and good food. As well as a lack of personal hygeine. ;) But, since these all could merit a blog of their own, this will have to do for now. :)
For those of you who always want more pictures...ENJOY! This is just for you!
ANDDDDD....since I can't figure out how to make the collages show up on here on them and it will take you to a larger view. :) I have text on them you won't be able to read unless you view it larger. :)
July had some fun outings. California with Austin. Girls Weekend with the ladies in St. George. Camping at Utah Lake with the Andersens. Kite Outings. I'd say we were home a total of 2 and on.
Disneyland with the Andersens. Trips to see mom in Idaho. Again, a busy and VERY fun month!
September was slower since school had started up. We were able to get away for one fun weekend with Daysh and Joe though! We mainly went for the food....and the boat. ;)
Thanks for checking in!
Now that I have my camera AND a method of depositing pics. onto the computer, there will be many more pictures and posts to come!
Common Core
11 years ago